I used to be 30lb overweight. I was tired all the time and because of that my self-confidence and attitude toward everything around me were trash. I felt like a fraud because I was forcing a smile wherever I went. And then I found a better way. It was tough at first because I had no idea what I was doing, but once I was able to learn from others about how simple it was, I actually enjoyed it! Within 3 months I had lost the weight, but most importantly, I felt good about myself. The real win for me though was seeing how it changed my attitude. Over time I learned so much more about how to properly fuel my body AND my mind. Not only did I feel better, but taking others along with me on this journey and seeing their success has been so rewarding. I’m so grateful you’re a part of my story. I’ve got the tools to walk you through the basics I learned in the very beginning. Are you ready to get started? #healthymoms #workingmoms #millenialwomen #healthylifestyle #workinprogress