Suffering from the struggle of Plantar Fasciitis? 👣 FasciaBlasting - the ultimate self care treatment for your soles 💫 our #BlasterSister @pandoramindnbody is using our OMG Blaster for her client’s foot pain! One of the most common issues with foot pain and injury, with 1 out of 10 people suffering from Plantar Fasciitis, is caused from overstretched fascia, blood flow and circulation🩸to the area, and lack of support when walking or running! 🏃♀️ There is HOPE! Our FasciaBlaster is specially designed to alleviate the effects of Plantar Fasciitis, and progress the time in which your feet heel (pun intended)! 🙌 Treat your feet to some much needed TLC, & put your best foot forward! ❤️ #plantar#plantarfascitiis#footpainrelief#foothealth#healthyfeet#healthyfascia#fascia#blasting#fasciablastingforeveryone #omgblaster