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Tiktok is tripping with these shop links, so it’s on Amazon if you want it 🙄 I also have an Audible/Book Recommendations list if you’re in your reading era 📚 #innerwork
Because we can all use some inner child healing, no? ☺️ I would love to share more about useful things. I’ve been learning as I dive deeper in word. Let me know if you guys like these kinds of inspo videos! 🤍 I bought their first book and LOVED it, so I was thrilled to find their new book (allll about relationships) in the mail 🥹🥹 ##theinnerwork##theinnerworkofrelationships
Curtains that have a little sheerness to them work best for this! They are not blackout curtains, so they let a little light in. These are from Target, but I’m sure you can find them on Amazon, etc. you can also just use a flat bedsheet if it’s super bright to the point where sun is shining in to help diffuse the light a little 🤍 #boudoirposing #boudoirposingtips #boudoirposingtipsandtricks #boudoirposes #boudoirposesathome #boudoirposesforwomen #boudoirposesplussize