
FAT IS HEALTHY! Fat is one of the building blocks of LIFE and that is why we have been convinced that it is bad and it has a negative reputation. I grew up in the “low fat” era and I remember being a teenager with my friends thinking our low fat snacks were healthy for us. In reality, I didn’t know the truth about health because no one had taught me. The school system taught me cholesterol was bad and I shouldn’t have more than two eggs a day and that red meat was dangerous. What a FAIL! This “health” narrative began a century ago when the system began convincing our great-grandmas lard, butter, and fats were bad to cook with and that margarine was the way. Heart disease has skyrocketed since. I wonder why? It makes you wonder why LOW FAT milk is used in baby formulas along with a plethora of inflammatory seed oils. Fat is a building block for our brain’s development, so why would the system put LOW FAT milk in baby’s first food as the body is developing? That just doesn’t make sense. The right kind of fat is good, healthy, and makes us stronger. Fats from pasture-raised animals on a species appropriate diet. What do you think? #homestead#homesteadlifeoriginal sound

Duration: 21 sPosted : Fri, 12 Apr 2024 03:27:36

















WHY TALLOW⬇️ ✨TALLOW in my TikTok shop✨ I started making tallow when a family member began to suffer from severe eczema. The only option the dermatologist offered was steroid creams. I began to research withdrawals from steroid creams and I know I didn't want my family member to suffer from those either. Sometimes steroid cream withdrawals can be worse than the original skin ailment they were treating, but vour dermatologist most likely won't share those grizzly details. I began researching alternatives for my family member and stumbled upon the ancestral wisdom of tallow and how it benefits our skin. Tallow, as long as it is sourced properly from GRASS-FED FREE-RANGE cattle, is extremely nourishing for the skin. Filled naturally with vitamins A, D, E, and K and beneficial fats to to kin health, strengthen, and soothe the skin? I set out to source the best possible beef fat locally and began crafting tallow. I sent it off to my family member and a few weeks later I heard back about how it healed their skin. No more steroid creams and their confidence returned to go out into public again. Now, I get to share this healing moisturizer with the world. It changed my family member's life, my life, and many others. It truly is emotional to read through so many reviews and messages I receive about how my tallow has helped someone or their own family member. From baby eczema to adult rosacea, tallow is changing lives! #tallow #homestead #skincare #naturalskincare
Gubba Homestead
11 months_ago
FAT IS HEALTHY! Fat is one of the building blocks of LIFE and that is why we have been convinced that it is bad and it has a negative reputation. I grew up in the “low fat” era and I remember being a teenager with my friends thinking our low fat snacks were healthy for us. In reality, I didn’t know the truth about health because no one had taught me. The school system taught me cholesterol was bad and I shouldn’t have more than two eggs a day and that red meat was dangerous. What a FAIL! This “health” narrative began a century ago when the system began convincing our great-grandmas lard, butter, and fats were bad to cook with and that margarine was the way. Heart disease has skyrocketed since. I wonder why? It makes you wonder why LOW FAT milk is used in baby formulas along with a plethora of inflammatory seed oils. Fat is a building block for our brain’s development, so why would the system put LOW FAT milk in baby’s first food as the body is developing? That just doesn’t make sense. The right kind of fat is good, healthy, and makes us stronger. Fats from pasture-raised animals on a species appropriate diet. What do you think? #homestead #homesteadlife
Gubba Homestead
11 months_ago
Normal means nothing⬇️ It is normal to eat processed foods. You are the abnormal person if you choose to not eat processed foods. I’ve been to many functions where chips, sodas, and candies are served and I’m asked WHY I’m not having any. People assume you think you are better than them or holier than thou for not partaking. That has nothing to do with it! It has everything to do with health and making the best choice you think possible. You do you, but let me do me. I find it WILD that junk food is the norm and you are “crunchy” for not allowing yourself or kids to partake. I’ve heard the phrase “let kids be kids” in regards to withholding processed foods. When did it become part of being a kid to eat junk food? I don’t see anything fun or funny about that. I see system conditioning. As a society, we have been conditioned to believe that whatever is on the grocery store shelves is okay to eat. I would assume that most people think that eating chips and packaged donuts is safer than drinking a glass of raw milk. Why? Because of the heavy brainwash. We are hit constantly with how dangerous raw milk is. Is it really or is it one of the most nutrient dense foods we can consume and that is the reason WHY it is hidden? Think about it. You can go to the store and purchase a rainbow of food dyes and chips with ingredient lists so long you strain an eye muscle reading them. Even the store-bought bread has 20+ ingredients with words that are difficult to pronounce. You believe this is safe. You don’t bat an eye. Ingredients in raw milk: raw milk. But raw milk is the dangerous one…wild! It took me a long time to wake up and see the truth of our food system. I’m grateful for the people who didn’t sit back and continued to speak up. They helped change my life, and now I’m in the same boat… I will never stop talking about raw milk 😂 #homestead #homesteadlife
Gubba Homestead
11 months_ago
In honor of the solar eclipse today, I do not wear sunscreen. Why no sunscreen⬇️ It is toxic. Plain and simple. I got asked yesterday if I really don’t wear sunscreen, and the answer is no, I really don’t. The last time I wore sunscreen was a few years ago and I was making my own mineral sunscreen in my kitchen (it worked and was pretty cool if I needed a non-toxic sunscreen.) Now, I focus on my diet and my relationship with the sun. I don’t sunburn. I’m outside ALL DAY in the sun, even during peak hours, in the summer. No burns, only health benefits. How? I cleaned up my diet and eliminated seed oils. I began focusing on antioxidant rich foods during summer months, like berries. WILD that antioxidant rich foods are in season when the sun is at its fullest. Almost as if it was created that way… We have been trained to see the sun as the enemy. That fear lines the pockets of the sunscreen corporations. These corporations don’t care about you or your health. The scary reality of sunscreen: Chemicals in sunscreen mimic the shape of our hormones and bind to receptors and cause imbalances. For example, oxybenzone (a common ingredient in the most popular sunscreens) affects the function of our thyroid system, adrenal system, and your reproductive system. It is absorbed into our bloodstream to go wreak havoc while it is “protecting” us from the sun. Sunscreen leads to vitamin D deficiency. We need vitamin D. Chemicals found in sunscreen can be harmful for reproduction and can pass into mother’s milk, which baby then consumes. What does this do to baby if we know the toxic affects it has on us? After researching further, I have come to realize BIG SUNSCREEN is a BIG SCAM. I am always met with “well so and so got skin cancer because they never wore sunscreen and spent time in the sun. Look at this picture of a trucker who was in the sun driving!” Ok… what was so and so’s diet? How did they nourish themselves? What kind of environmental toxins did they surround themselves with? Most of the time so and so ate processed food (because that is what’s normal.) Don’t blame the sun for what the truck stop did, friends. What do you think? #homestead #solareclipse
Gubba Homestead
11 months_ago
Save yourself… time and money by learning how to cook and bake from scratch! Time because cooking from scratch will become second nature and you won’t have to waste time driving to a grocery store, standing in line, and loading and unloading groceries. You can get basic ingredient staples and learn how to utilize them in your kitchen. Money because when you cook or bake from scratch (for the most part) you will be saving your wallet. A QUALITY load of bread not loaded with preservatives and fillers can fetch $6 and up. When you bake from scratch with flour, sugar, water, yeast (or a sourdough starter) and salt, your quality loaf of bread is $1 or less (the last time I calculated it.) You are paying for transportation, packaging, and wages when you buy packaged goods from the store. Did I mention home cooked food tastes SO MUCH BETTER? You can taste the oils in the processed caramel sauce from the store. Much like you can taste the junk in all of the store-bought food once you start making it from scratch. Seriously. I love to bake sourdough items with my sourdough starter. BEWARE: companies have caught on to the sourdough trend and will put “sourdough” on their packaging when it doesn’t even contain anything that would make it sourdough. It is now a marketing gimmick. Go to a LOCAL bakery and support real people who are doing it right if you don’t want to bake your own. Gravy packets are no longer a thing when you realize all you need is some butter, onion, garlic, flour, broth, milk, and seasonings. You can mix and match and make gravies that fit your dishes and taste preference. Granola is so easy to bake. Look at the conventional granola ingredients from the store. Loaded with sugar and other unnecessary ingredients. Combine ingredients at home, ferment if you wish, and bake! I love making tortillas. Takes me about 15 minutes of hands-on time. Mixing the dough, letting it rest, rolling, heating briefly and I’m done. My beloved homemade caramel sauce is perfect for coffees, caramel corn, ice cream, and more. No seed oils included! Sugar, cream, butter, vanilla, and salt. That’s it! What do you want to learn? #homestead #homesteadlife
Gubba Homestead
11 months_ago