FAT IS HEALTHY! Fat is one of the building blocks of LIFE and that is why we have been convinced that it is bad and it has a negative reputation. I grew up in the “low fat” era and I remember being a teenager with my friends thinking our low fat snacks were healthy for us. In reality, I didn’t know the truth about health because no one had taught me. The school system taught me cholesterol was bad and I shouldn’t have more than two eggs a day and that red meat was dangerous. What a FAIL! This “health” narrative began a century ago when the system began convincing our great-grandmas lard, butter, and fats were bad to cook with and that margarine was the way. Heart disease has skyrocketed since. I wonder why? It makes you wonder why LOW FAT milk is used in baby formulas along with a plethora of inflammatory seed oils. Fat is a building block for our brain’s development, so why would the system put LOW FAT milk in baby’s first food as the body is developing? That just doesn’t make sense. The right kind of fat is good, healthy, and makes us stronger. Fats from pasture-raised animals on a species appropriate diet. What do you think? #homestead#homesteadlifeoriginal sound
Duration: 21 sPosted : Fri, 12 Apr 2024 03:27:36Views