Don’t buy these!!! 5 Dental Products that are not worth it: 1. Whitening Pens - the whitening material is not on your teeth long enough to do anything 2. Whitening Toothpaste - just abrasive, takes off outside stains but can wear away teeth if over used 3. Mouthwash - if you brush and floss, this is just not necessary 4. Charcoal Toothpaste - too abrasive, not safe to use 5. Oil Pulling - you have to swish for 20 min for it to be effective… who has that kind of time or cheek muscles 😆 6. Hard Bristle Toothbrush - not safe, can cause hot/cold sensitivity in your teeth #teethwhitening #teethbleaching #cleanteeth #oilpulling #whiteteeth #mouthwash #whiteningpen #whiteningtoothpaste