Meet Asher Robinson, a talented local artist who brings his vibrant creations to life on the MarshWalk in Murrells Inlet, just behind Creek Ratz. His captivating paintings, often featuring the beauty of fish, egrets, and palmetto trees, have become a cherished part of the local scene. What sets Asher apart? Beyond his dedication to making art affordable and accessible, he finds intrinsic value in the creative process itself, believing that art is a net positive for both the artist and the community. Discover his work and take home a piece of coastal charm the next time you visit The Beach. #myrtlebeachsc #myrtlebeach #murrellsinlet #themarshwalk #murrellsinletmarshwalk #art #artist #painter #livepainter #stories #strangers #interview #lifestories #beachwithus #people #interviewingstories #interestingstories #paint #fishpainting #folkart #fish #fishingcommunity #vacation #beachvacation #interestingpeople #fyp #artistsoftiktok #artwork #artbyasher