❤️You can’t pour from an empty cup. No matter how much you try to push yourself, there will be days you can’t function at your best. And that’s okay! You are a human being afterall 🫶🏻 Please do not feel guilty about taking some time off to recharge. You deserve every ounce of it. ❤️Do not compare yourself to others, as everyone’s life is different and unique in a way. Have someone to talk to. Someone who can remind you of the hard work that you have put in to get to where you are right now. It is easy to forget how hard you have worked and focus on negativity. ❤️ It’s okay to ask for help. Many of you don’t know this but I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD in my final year of premed. It was at many times debilitating. I’ve spent so many nights crying my eyes out. There are days I felt all the emotions. And days I felt completely numb. There are days I felt so alone. But please remember that no matter how lonely or isolated you feel from the world around you, there is always someone out there who cares about you. There will always be someone who would feel sheer hurt and pain if something were to happen to you. Do not forget that. Regarding my GAD, therapy has helped me in ways I never knew were possible🫶🏻Another thing I did was find things that genuinely make me happy (baking, walking in nature, praying…), and did exactly that! ❤️ Also, limit your media exposure! Especially social media pages that make you feel worse📲. ❤️❤️❤️BE KIND TO YOURSELF❤️❤️❤️ily! #medicalstudent #medschool #medicine #medstudent #study #medicine #motivation