The Coyote in the Maze - I am excited and proud to reveal my very first tattoo and thank you to everyone that joined us in last night's LIVE stream. I was first introduced to this image as a child, spending time in the Sonoran Desert, and have had a great appreciation and respect for its concept and its meaning. The center represents the arrival at one's dreams— mine has always been to bring animals to millions of people through entertainment, and in the process, provide education, awareness, and support for the planet and conservation initiatives. Brave Wilderness turns 10 years old in a few months, which is a monumental peak in the building of this brand, yet there are many mountains that are left to climb in my life and career. I am 42 years old, and as the journey continues, I will brave the maze with confidence knowing that I have chosen the right path for my career, my life, and my bliss. #coyotepeterson