Did my 10 minutes on treadmill. I hve been sick for 3 days. I touched it out 2 days ago. But yesterday and today it's kicking my butt. I took less than 1k steps yesterday. At 2.5k today. Ugh I feel so defeated but I can't let it get me down. I gotta keep pushing. Not do hard when I am sick. Life still has to happen though. I got an MRI today. The last one they spotted something right at the cut off on top the previous one. So we're getting the whole back done. I'm glad they're finding out whats wrong with me. Only taking 4 years of consistently being seen by different specialists. I was told multiple times I'm faking my pain because they can't find what wrong. Finally this year they're doing mri catscan. Pain management. Nerve specialist, spine and back specialist so many. They're doing it slow but it's good it's being done now. Soon I'll have exact diagnosis. So many things wrong. On plus side. I endured my 10 min treadmill walk. I'm doing move for 1 min after i post this. I have keep doing something. Even if it's a little. I cant be stagnant anymore. Oh yea. Something I am happy about. I do walk on 1.8 to 2.0. When I first tried treadmill for the 2 and half min. I did it on 0.5 speed. It was so slow. I tried it on 0.5 today. I couldn't. I felt like I was gonna fall it was going so slow. Ome last thing. The covering the screen up helps a lot. So I'm not obsessing over the time or I feel tired because it's 9 min type thing. #nativesaiyan #indigenous #nativeamerican #imovedfor1min #weightloss #losingweight #fitnessjourney #thisismyjourney #notmyfinalform #weightlossjourney #wellnesswarriors #roamfromhomewalk #promisekepthealthjourney
Duration: 0 sPosted : Thu, 28 Mar 2024 23:13:40Views