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For my Ulcerative Colitis lovelies, a diet high in red meat may increase your risk of having flares. I suggest following a Mediterranean diet #ulcerativecolitis #ulcerativecolitisproblems #crohnsdisease #crohnsawareness #ibdawareness #ibd #guthealthtips #coloncancer #coloncancerawareness
Hemorrhoids are very common and can be a real pain in the, well, you know where 😉 To lower your chance of getting hemorrhoids: 1. Limit distractions — leave your phone out the bathroom 2. Don’t wait to go 3. Avoid pushing too hard 4. Fiber & water on repeat 5. Keep moving - exercising — even just walking —helps with digestion #hemorrhoids #hemorrhoidssuck #constipationrelief #guthealthtips #guthealthtiktok
I will keep bugging her, and this is your reminder, too! A breast test or stool test should be done a month after treatment #hpylori #helicobacterpylori #guthealthtips #guthealth #stomachcancer #coloncancer
Gummies will def make the bowel prep easier! Just avoid the colors your doctor told you to avoid #colonoscopy #colonoscopyprep #coloncancerawareness #guthealthtips