We all have that moment or a build-up of smaller moments that make us think "enough is enough" 😥 👉🏼For me, it was the loss of my cycle (Hypothalamic Amenorrhea). 🪫 My body was in a state called “low energy availability” which if left unresolved can lead to poor bone health, thyroid issues, hormone disruption, fertility problems and a whole range of other things. ❤️🩹I learnt the hard way that the smaller you are does NOT represent how "healthy" you are. 👉🏼Getting my period back was one of the most mentally challenging things I've done. Eating more, gaining weight, slowing down. BUT it was the best thing I ever did. Not only did I get my cycle back but I also worked on my relationship with food and fitness and that truly has changed my life for the better. 📌If you want me to explain how I got my period back in detail AND how I got to the mindset that I have now, let me know in the comments and click the follow button 🫂 P.s. This page will always be here if you need it. To give you a virtual hug. To give you that extra push to keep going. To remind you that you are enough and you are so worthy of change #EmilysWorld . . . . . . . #mystory #lowenergyavailability #intuitiveeating #coach #FatLoss #Leanbean #periodloss #HA #macros #HypothalamicAmenorrhea #mealprep #foodfreedom #weightloss #weightgain #story #storytime #nutritonist #model #fitness #balance
Duration: 36 sPosted : Tue, 26 Mar 2024 06:46:23Views