And you know what? I love myself now 😘 I don’t recognize the girl on the beach in Costa Rica anymore. In the 5 years that have elapsed since 2019, I have 1) received treatment for my e4ting d!sorder 2) pregnant, had a c section, and am now a mom, 3) gone through a breakup, 4) had intense depressive seasons, 5) graduated with a bachelors and began a master’s program, 6) moved several times, 7) started a social media page that focuses on body positivity and self love :3 All these things have contributed to the fact that I look completely different from my 19 year-old self. But that is okay :) we are not meant to be teenagers forever. Today i am the most happy, confident, fulfilled, and content that i have ever been in my entire life. And i think THAT is worth celebrating. And no, I’m not promoting obesity. My doctor said on my last visit a month ago that i am perfectly healthy and he doesn’t think I need to lose weight unless I want to for aesthetic reasons. So please, comment respectfully and accordingly :) #curvy #curvemodel #bodytype #normalizenormalbodies #healthateverysize #ginger #redhead #bodypositivity