I know how many humans I’ve made- but good looking out. as many enjoy pointing out, I am blessed to be the mother of two astonishing humans- one of which is still here yes, that doesn’t negate the fact that I have a son who is now dependent on me in a different way- to tell his story I’m shocked at the little thought given to our individuality but I guess I have to understand- i’m the only one that lives this life every day, and actually sees what is happening. And my home and my family. The changes that we’ve had to make and the challenges that we now face every single day. I’m gonna try to come back and elaborate on this video when I can. To explain some of the emotion that you see here and what has dictated my life for the last 10mo. Our system is so broken and mothers like me desperately need it to be fixed. I pray that there are a few of us as there are the resources available to us😔💔##warnockwarriors#k#kriswarnockm#malismamak#kallasmamas#singlemomsagab#brokenc#childlossg#griefb#bereavedmother