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I missed you, did you miss me? been too busy making bug art #bugart #needlefelting #art #artproject #artprocessvideo #opera #chineseopera #headdress #beading #embroidery
I missed you, did you miss me? been too busy making bug art #bugart #needlefelting #art #artproject #artprocessvideo #opera #chineseopera #headdress #beading #embroidery
canvas weave piece made in my vintage table loom for our resident's show at the Textile Arts Center, on view for another week! #textileartscenter #textileart #textiles #fiberart #weaving #vintage #tableloom #craft #handmade #yarn #loom
my first weaving pattern of a character in my Chinese name, 亞 #textile #artprocess #textileartscenter #textileart #fiberart #tableloom #weaving #chinese #language #asianartist #aapi #art #craft