All this time us women have been struggling and all we needed was more MAGNESIUM. 🙃🙃🙃 Comment “Mag” for the link!✨✨✨ 12 sprays a day will keep the PMS away and the doctor because we need magnesium for EEEVVVERYYYYTHANG!!🤣🕺🏾🕺🏾🕺🏾 My favorite way of upping magnesium is TOPICALLY! We have the most bioavailable magnesium on the market! Our Magnesium Wellness Collection is designed for effective magnesium replenishment at the cellular level via the skin, the body’s most effective organ for absorption. Over 80% of Americans are deficient in magnesium, a pivotal mineral for over 325 biochemical reactions in our bodies, including muscle and nerve function, energy production, and stress management. Our Magnesium Collection replenishes your magnesium levels and offers solutions for insomnia, body odor, acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, anxiety, gut issues, digestion, stress, womb ailments , migraines, cramps, hormone imbalances, muscle spasms, achy joints, muscle recovery, high blood pressure, and more! You are making a difference! With every Magnesium Wellness product purchased, we’re giving 10% back to Freedom Holistic Center, supporting autism research, holistic treatment education, and scholarships to underserved families. You can find over 150+ organic loose leaf herbs and over 65+ organic handmade products in the link in my bio or ! All accessories you can find in our Amazon storefront which is in the link in my bio! If you can come and see us in person even better! BodyLove by Tal Apothecary & Makery 10470 S Progress Way Unit 103 Parker, CO 80134 United States #fyp #organicskincare #organicskincareproducts #bodyoil #organicbodyoil #bodybutter #organicbodybutter #magnesiumlotion #magnesiumbutter #magnesium #internationalwomensday #happyinternationalwomensday #magnesiumoil #magnesiumdeficiency
Duration: 94 sPosted : Tue, 19 Mar 2024 21:59:03Views