Dr. Strange spent his entire life living as a stray cat. Limping in the snow without 2 front feet, battling years of upper respiratory disease, fighting for any scrap of food he could find. Since 2021 I have tried to rescue him, and here’s his progress now that he will never experience a cold winter night alone again ❤️🩹 02/23 - Purred for the first time 02/26 - Showed me his belly 03/01 - Came out of the bathroom 03/02 - Explored on his own 03/03 - Tried cat nip & napped in bed 03/04 - Slept in peace 03/13 - Meows for me every time i come home 03/14 - Let me pick him up and played with toys for the first time ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️