Part 8 | The First Night Postpartum After C-Section - Cesarean Section Recovery✨ Once they were done stitching me up, they sent us to the 'labor lounge' where we waited for the feeling to come back in my legs and gave me a chance to do some skin-to-skin with baby girl and start my breastfeeding journey! After a few hours, they moved us into our room (don't worry, they give you a cart you can wheel your stuff on) and we did 'the transfer' - where you have to shift yourself from the mobile bed to the one in the room with their help (honestly, forgot how hard this was to do post-op). We had a brief meeting with the night nurse and doctor. We went over the operation, mine and baby girls stats and they went over the do's and don't's for the next 48hrs and what that would look like. Once that was done, our nurse set us up and made sure we were good and discussed a timeline for medication, etc, while also checking out baby girl to make sure everything was good! They come in quite a bit between needing to check on the baby and giving mom pain medication, so you don't get much sleep. But thankful to have a solid hubby who took care of everything else for me - seriously, if you're choosing someone to bring, make surem they're ready to be up all night and doing all the diaper changes, etc. Honestly, I got to a point all I could think about was food - I was starving, since it had been over 24hrs since I had had real food. I don't think I go a week anymore without eating the seafood chowder from Kai Brady’s 😅 With a cesarean section, they keep you there for 48hrs, doing multiple checks on the baby and so on. Little did we know how different things were going to turn out for us.. stay tuned for what happened 👀 *repost with sound* - #csection #csectionrecovery #csectionmom #postpartum #csectiondelivery cesarean section birth stories | labor and delivery I pregnancy journey | second c-section | postpartum life | pregnancy life vlog | pregnancy journal | C-section surgery | cesarean section I postpartum | c-section recovery | what to expect after a c-section
Duration: 88 sPosted : Thu, 14 Mar 2024 12:30:28Views