
Maybe I should have been more specific about what I needed him to film 🙈 😂 #diyproject#instagramvsreality#diy#fails#contentcreatororiginal sound

Duration: 13 sPosted : Wed, 13 Mar 2024 21:38:41

















Read how here 👇🌱🌽🥕🥦🍅 When we moved in the vegetable garden was overgrown with piles stone and broken paths everyone. We cleared the area with some pretty heavy machinery which was great, but it left us with a large area of soil that was in pretty bad condition and we wanted to turn it back into a production vegetable garden again. Year 1: We turned over the soil by hand - this took hours and was really hard work. We added in some compost and we were able to grow some vegetables ok. Year 2. We had the ground levelled and tilled - which was great for getting the areas level ready for grass seed down, but even with adding more compost and organic matter the soil was still in pretty bad shape. Year 3: We restored a rotavator and used it to break up the soil in the beds and we added more compost. On this video someone in our community commented we should try the ‘No Dig’ method to help save our backs and also help to improve the soil. As always I love to research everything, so I started to read up on this and decided to give it a try. Year 4: We made raised beds and covered the inside with cardboard we had collected before adding a thick layer of compost on top (some was our own and some we bought in). In total we used around 12 tons of compost in the veg garden and cutting boarder. We also used around 1 ton wood chip we saved from tree cutting we had done as used that to create the paths between the beds. This year we planned ahead and prepped the raised beds and paths ready for this year. It has taken us a day to top up the beds with compost and organic matter and also give the paths a fresh layer of woodchip. It has been so much easier compared to the previous years and the soil is so much healthier. If you are thinking of starting a vegetable garden this year this method might be worth a try especially if you already have your own compost as you will need quite a lot of layer up each bed. Have you tried this type of gardening before? #garden #gardening #vegetablegarden #nodiggarden #nodig #gardentransformation #mygarden #growyourownfood
Historic House Restoration
11 months_ago
The stories this old house could tell. This one is a poem written by the Cumbrian poet Norman Nicholson ‘September in Shropshire’ I appreciate I haven't done the poem justice with my reading, but it hopefully brings it a bit more to life. The peom was written during the second World war when Nicholson used to visit a teacher the house. During the war the house was used as a boarding school for girls who were evacuated here from Walthamstow Hall. The children learned from everything the local area had to offer, with space outdoors, acting scenes in Ludlow castle, studying local geography and of course spelling tests. With teaching that was described as alive from a engaging and joyful teacher. There is a few things that haven’t changed here - mainly the beans and the chickens and now we have replanted the peach tree which we hope we have fruit again. Thank you to Francis Clemmow ( WW2 evacuee who stayed at the house) and David Boyd the author of the Biography ‘Norman Nicholson - A Literary Life’ for making this connection with us. #oldhouse #poetry #victorianhouse #ww2history #periodhome #historichome
Historic House Restoration
11 months_ago
Maybe I should have been more specific about what I needed him to film 🙈 😂 #diyproject #instagramvsreality #diy #fails #contentcreator
Historic House Restoration
1 years_ago
I couldn’t be happier with my £1 vacuum cleaner especially as its over 100 years old. The corridor of curiosities has had a spring refresh and a new item has arrived…. Did you spot it…..It’s a Star vacuum cleaner. Lots of vintage items find a home here, when I spotted this vacuum looking a little bit sad at an auction and I bought it for £1 plus fees, I knew it would be perfect here. I’m fascinated by everyday objects from bygone eras, and this little vacuum would have been the Dyson of its day. The vacuum was made by the Star Engineering Co Ltd of Wolverhampton and was invented and patented in 1910 and manufactured until 1938. The concertina-like drum was pulled up and down, so that dust and dirt was sucked in through the cleaning head. Although 100 years ago this would have been the height of technology, I don’t think I will be trading in my trusty Hettie Hoover any time soon though 🥰 #vintage #victorianhouse #vintageinteriors #InteriorInspiration #victorianrenovations #periodhome #auctionfindst
Historic House Restoration
1 years_ago
What is under there 👀 As always our projects seem to escerlate. Starting to clear this border in the garden ended up being a lot more work than initially intended. As once we found part of the path we wanted to excavate more. We have started planting around the path, so this year the it will really start to blend into rest of the garden. I wonder if we will find any more parts to the path as we carry on working in the garden this year. #gardenrenovation #renovation #landscaping #renouk #victorianrenovation #fypシ #garden
Historic House Restoration
1 years_ago