
When the interviewer asks you, “Tell us about a time that you failed.”Don’t panic.   This is NOT a trap. They don’t want to hear what’s wrong with you. Interviewers ask this because they want to know if you are self-aware. Do you know yourself. Do you know what gets in your way and most importantly they want to know if you know what gets in your way.   When you talk about your failures tell them what you learned from them. How have you improved? How are you more efficient?  How are you better than before because of the failure?   Brainstorm some appropriate stories from work to share in a job interview and put it into the STAR formula. Explain the SITUATION, the TASK that was required, the ACTION that you took and the RESULT.   Here’s a great example answer,   Interviewer, “Tell me about a time that you failed.”   Job Seeker, “During my time at XYZ Company, I was tasked with leading a project to launch a new product line. 

Despite extensive planning and preparation, the launch was a failure, and we received negative feedback from customers.

In response, I immediately took responsibility for the failure and gathered my team to identify the root cause of the issue. 

We conducted a thorough analysis of customer feedback and identified several areas where we had fallen short, including inadequate product testing and a lack of communication with stakeholders.

Moving forward, I implemented new processes to address these issues, including more rigorous product testing and regular check-ins with stakeholders throughout the project.

I also made a concerted effort to improve communication with my team, ensuring that everyone was on the same page and had a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities.

This experience taught me the importance of taking responsibility for my mistakes and using them as learning opportunities.

It also reinforced the value of effective communication and collaboration in achieving success. 

Since then, I have made a conscious effort to approach all projects with a mindset of continuous improvement and to actively seek out feedback from colleagues and customers.”   #Careers #Howtogetanewjob #howtoanswerinterviewquestions#jobinterview#interviewprep#careers#howtogetanewjob#interviewtips#corporatejobs#quityourjob#careercoachoriginal sound

Duration: 130 sPosted : Wed, 13 Mar 2024 01:16:11

















⬇️You want a new job because you need to make more money but why do you need to make more money?   •Is it because you have a ton of credit card debt? •Is it because your spending is out of control?   📌There are times in our lives when we go into debt, like college for example but if you are just constantly living in debt that’s a problem.   🧑🏽‍💻Your debt and your credit worthiness are going to affect the decisions that you make in your career.   We work for money and if the reasons you’re taking the job are soley because you need more money, you’re going to make very bad decisions about which companies to work and what jobs to take.   😖Trust me, I have seen lots of people take bad jobs because they paid well and then they were miserable and when they are miserable, they shop more and the cycle continues.   💰If you want to improve your circumstances you don’t need a new job that pays more, you need to figure our financial situation and improve your credit BEFORE you start looking for a new job.   #finance #job #work #career #moneytips #credit #debt #credit #personalfinance
Anna Papalia
1 months_ago
⬇️ Say these 3 things in your next job interview to sound smart and look confident   3️⃣ “In my previous role I increased sales by 80%.”   *Use metrics, percentages and fractions to sound smart. And you always sound more professional when you quantify your achievements using numbers.   ❌ Instead of saying “I am the marketing manager.” ✅ Say, “I lead a team of 3 to promote, and advertise over 400 products.”   2️⃣ “Based on my research for this role I understand that this role is newly created. Can you tell me more about the department?”   *Instead of saying, “Can you tell me more about the job?”   ✅ Say, “Based on my research I believe I am aligned with your company’s mission and values.”   3️⃣ “What projects are you currently working on that I can help you with?”   *Smart and confident people ask great questions in job interviews because a job interview is a to-way street. You need to be interviewing them as much as they’re interviewing you.   ❌ Instead of saying, “No. I don’t have any questions.”   ✅ Say, “Where will this job lead for a top performer?”   📕Get my book Interviewology: The New Science of Interviewing and get an Interviewology Profile to discover your interview style. It’s a 40-page customized interview prep workbook that outlines what impression you’re making, 5 types of interview questions to prepare for and thank you email template.   #jobinterview #interview #confidence #work #job #corporate #interviewquestions
Anna Papalia
4 months_ago
💫Signs You Are In A Financially Abusive Relationship   Recognizing the signs of financial abuse is essential in understanding the dynamics of a toxic relationship. Financial abuse can be subtle but can have profound and lasting effects on your well-being.   👀Control Over Finances • Your partner controls all financial decisions without considering your input. • You are not allowed access to bank accounts, credit cards, or financial information. Limited Financial Independence • You are not allowed to work, hindering your ability to generate income independently. • Your partner dictates how you spend money, giving you little to no financial autonomy. 👩🏼‍💻Sabotaging Employment Opportunities • Your partner actively discourages or prevents you from pursuing career opportunities or advancement. • They may undermine your professional relationships or interfere with your work life. Withholding Financial Information • Your partner keeps financial information secret, making it difficult for you to understand the overall financial picture. • You are unaware of the family's income, debts, or investments. 📈Forcing Debt and Financial Dependence • Your partner accumulates debts in your name without your knowledge or consent. • They may intentionally create financial dependence by sabotaging your efforts to save or invest. Threats • Your partner uses money as a tool for control, making threats to cut off financial support if you don't comply with their demands. • They use manipulation to make sure you rely on them financially. #finance #womenempowerment #financialabuse #motivation #personalfinance #job #work #divorce
Anna Papalia
5 months_ago
⬇️ Hiring managers don’t waste their time interviewing people that they don’t think are qualified. 👩‍💻 If you have been scheduled for an interview, they want it to go well.   🤞They need to fill this position and they are hoping that you are the person for the job.   ❌ Interviewers DO NOT purposely ask hard questions so you will do poorly. ❌ Interviewers DO NOT put you on the spot to embarrass you.   ✅ Instead of thinking that an interview is a trap, and they are out to get you- shift your perspective.   📌Here’s a pre-interview mantra to practice ahead of your next job interview, “They would be lucky to have me. They want this interview to go well as much as I do.”   #jobinterview #interviewprep #interviewstips #careercoach #corporatejobs #jobsearch #interview #career
Anna Papalia
6 months_ago
🗳️An election is a job interview, and we are the hiring managers. I have taught thousands of hiring managers how to interview better, let me teach you how. @Anna Papalia   🧐There are 3 common biases in job interviews that you need to be careful of   1️⃣The Self-Fulfilling Prophesy Bias- Once interviewers have made an initial judgement about a candidate, they tend to look for evidence to support their conclusion. If they like you, they tend to interpret your responses more favorably than if their initial reaction is less favorable. This bias can also be acting even before you enter the room: if you are an interviewer's top candidate, he or she will look for actions and responses on your part that tend to confirm the initial judgment.   2️⃣ The Similar-to-Me Effect- Research has clearly shown that interviewers and supervisors have an unconscious tendency to favor people who are physically and professionally similar to them. This is one of the factors that holds women and minorities back in the working world. Mentors often select protégés that are similar to themselves. And job interviewers tend to favor candidates who are like them. Since this is a hard bias to overcome in the interview setting, I advise people to be themselves but to look for any areas of potential overlap between them and their interviewers.   3️⃣ The Halo Effect- Interviewers often cannot help associating success in one endeavor with an overall tendency for success in general. From a rational point of view, there is no reason to expect that a person who was, say, All-State Track Champion would be an excellent engineer, but many interviewers tend to be positively biased toward people successful in anything. This is an example of a bias that you may be able to work to your advantage. While it is not generally appropriate to put hobbies and outside activities in your resume, it is appropriate to describe honors and awards, even if they are nonprofessional in nature. By slipping in some of these "outstanding achievements" you may gain some of the Halo Effect in your interview.   🎯For a full list of biases to avoid when hiring, get an Interviewology Profile for $47 use code September @Anna Papalia   #presidentialdebate #trump #harris #presidentialelection #politics #news #hiring #jobinterview #career #greenscreen
Anna Papalia
6 months_ago