AI art is not real art! Many of the critics believe that. #aiart #aivideo #aitools many questions arise when it comes to AI generated images for example are you really the artist can you call yourself the artist if you generated AI images or is it AI that is the artist? If you look through history each time there is a revolutionary technological advancement or an invention. The users of the previous technology would say that what you’re doing is cheating and it’s too easy and you don’t have the skills that we have. Therefore you are not an artist. And there are many questions that we must ask ourselves and start a conversation about AI art, but the way I see it as long as you have division, the clear vision and you’re able to use the AI tools to manifest that vision exactly the way you saw it in your mind exactly the way you envisioned it in that case you’re no different than a movie director who sees division and communicates that vision 2000s of skilled professionals who are there to make the movie happen. So some questions we must start conversations about is. Are you really the artist if you’re creating art using AI? is AI art ruining art? is AI in each generation ruining art ? and how do you tell if something was AI generated Art ?
Duration: 120 sPosted : Sun, 10 Mar 2024 17:18:22Views