⬇️⭐️TIK TOK $300 GIVEAWAY DETAILS ⭐️⬇️ HOW TO ENTER: ⭐️post your body confidence dance, pose, tips, or personal journey on tik tok. ⭐️tag @Halara_official and use hashtags #Confidentlyhalara and #halaraangie in the caption PRIZES: ⭐️$300 cash by yours truely🫶 ⭐️$50 gift card to use on @halara website 💳 ⭐️shout out on my instagram story ⭐️ A chance to win a confidence fund of $5,000 by @halara_official as well as monthly PR boxes by them in 2024! For more info go to their account! Give away ends Feb 29th. The winner will be announced on my instagram story and tik tok! Link in bio!Can’t wait to see everyone’s videos🤍