How to create a content strategy for your small business: part four... building a content system. There are three components you need here: content workflow, a content plan, and content analysis. Content Workflow: this is your plan of action on how to accomplish executing your content strategy. This is going to be so specific to your needs, your business, and your strategy. But simply put you need a REPEATABLE process to help you take a content idea all the way through to publishing. Content Planning: In this content journey you most likely will start out with posting things in the moment. This is totally ok, and totally normal, but know that this isn't sustainable for the long term. You need to start thinking about the future when it comes to content creation. By planning ahead it will help you maintain consistency, but you can also use content creation to your advantage to help you hit your content goals. Content Analysis: Yes, analyzing your content needs to be built into your strategy. We need to have a process to know if/when we have hit our content goals, and if we need to make adjustments and pivots. Now... don't look at your numbers every day, this will make you spiral. Instead, find what works best for you... review a weekly report, tackle it for an hour once a month, or if you are just starting out do it once a quarter. This will help you make pivots if and when you need to. #contentstrategy #contentstrategist #contentideas #contentcreation #socialmediastrategy #smallbusiness