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Replying to @palvipinkysingh I love people who love my dog🙏💝🤗 #original sound
Replying to @nokshi so insensitive.. Sometimes we dont think that the words we take out of our mouth do way more damage than a weapon does. we should feel empathy towards others before saying anything to their face and it costs nothing but makes us a better human being .We could easily do a simple calculation of what we are about to say might hurt someones feeling when the person has not done anything to us. Kindness is free. If you dont like something the worst you could do is scroll up . I am not just calling you out but this world is full of people like you and which is why relationships falls apart, you spread negativity because probably you have never heard this sentence before so here it is “Live and Let live”
Apparently some muslim people have no problem when they see a couple Dating, watching them being inappropriate on tiktok, they would even comment “Mashallah nice couple” but where I have an innocent animal who is no harm to anyone, those same people have so much problem. If you say dogs are haram then let me say “ watching tv or tiktok is haram but you are doing it, having a girl friend boy friend is haram but you have a gf or bf, getting a credit card or Mortgage is haram because you pay interest to bank, but you are doing it and the lists go on and on. these are not allowed in Islam either but we do it. So if as a muslim you cant stop yourself from doing those which i mentioned above then dont come at me saying “oh dog is not allowed in Islam” I strongly believe in Allah and pray namaz. Allah knows the best. Not you or I