Here’s why children take the blame: When an adult doesn’t take responsibility for the hurt they’ve caused, the child carries the responsibility instead. It's an attempt to find order in a situation where they actually had little to no influence. If it’s my fault…then I’m in control. A child would rather feel in control and guilty than out of control and helpless. And if this isn’t addressed early on, this pattern can be carried on to adulthood. So what does healing from this pattern look like? - Self-awareness and Acknowledgment: The first step is recognizing and acknowledging this pattern in yourself. It's important to understand that, as a child, you were NOT responsible for the emotional dysregulation of the adults around you. - Respond to your reactions: When default thoughts of self-blame pop up, ask yourself, “Was this really within my control?” or “Am I actually responsible for this situation?” “What would any adult conclude about this situation?” - Building Self-Compassion: Offer yourself now what you didn’t receive as a child. Be kind, attuned, and intentional with nurturing the parts of you that are “acting out.” How did you need your parents to respond in the past? Step into that now. - Therapy or Counseling: Don't hesitate to get professional help! They'll be able to guide you through understanding your past and how it affects your present. They can provide tools and strategies for processing and releasing that guilt you're holding on to. #p#parentchildrelationshipp#parentingr#responsibilitye#emotionalhealthe#emotionalwellbeinge#emotionalhealingm#mentalhealtht#teachingkidsemotionalregulation
Duration: 0 sPosted : Wed, 20 Dec 2023 16:57:41Views