Feel free to commiserate with me in the comments 😫 But seriously. Spirit day was my absolute favorite thing ever in elementary school. And it makes me feel like a total failure of a mother every time I forget it. Which is honestly most of the time. Because as a mom, most of the time, I’m just trying to get through the day without anyone ending up in the hospital or with major emotional scars. It’s definitely been hard for me to reconcile the mom that I always THOUGHT I would be with the mom that I actually AM. And to not feel mom shame every time I can’t live up to the standard of awesomeness that my own mom reached. It’s also hard to not compare myself to other parents who magically have the brain capacity to remember things like spirit day. So, if your first grader looks like a first grader on 100 days day, and if your best mostly just looks like showing up, I see you! And your kids, see you! And I promise you, you are doing just great! #mominspiration #supportformoms #momcommunity #motherhoodjourney #ittakesavillage #bekindtoyourself #100daysofschool #momshaming #momguilt #youareenough #virtualhug