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Made a big prder for a classroom and I couldn’t be happier! Hope you like them! All pencils are 25% this week on Etsy. Link is in bio. #personalizedpencils #stockingstuffer #kidsgifts #whiteelephantgifts #customgift #teengiftideas #christmasgiftideas
Made a big prder for a classroom and I couldn’t be happier! Hope you like them! All pencils are 25% this week on Etsy. Link is in bio. #personalizedpencils #stockingstuffer #kidsgifts #whiteelephantgifts #customgift #teengiftideas #christmasgiftideas
A little piece of my daytime job before I transition to my favorite one: being a mom! 🥰 I cant wait to show you what I’m going to be putting on that wall! Super excited! #personalizedpencils #engravedpencils #customgift #adaywithme #smallbusinessday
Just like Forrest Gump and his boax of chocolates, my orders are always a surprise. You never know what you’re going to get! #lifeislikeaboxofchocolates #engravedpencils #personalizedpencils #blackswallowstudio #customgift #friendsgifts #funnygifts