Here’s the story⬇️ When we found out my wife, @maxinelee_y, was pregnant, we were BEYOND excited! We also knew something was different. The take home test was SOOO dark and when she went to the doctor, her hCg levels were astronomically high! From that point we assumed twins because that’s the most likely scenario with numbers that high. So Maxine had her first ultrasound appointment at about 6 weeks while I stayed home with our older 5 kids. I was expecting her to call and confirm our suspicions of a twin pregnancy. But what happened was she texted me while she was still in the office. The text read “YOU ARE GOING TO SH*T YOURSELF!” I didn’t know what to think so I texted back “OMG WHAT?!” She said “THERES 3 IN THERE! WE’RE HAVE TRIPLETS!” I’m fairly certain I stopped breathing for roughly 2.5 minutes. But we took time to digest the triplet pregnancy and we began to mentally prepare ourselves for what’s to come. A few weeks go by and Maxine has her second ultrasound appointment. Again, I stay home with our oldest 5 kids and I await a call. BUT AGAIN, I get a text while she’s still in the office that reads “YOU ARE REALLY GOING TO SH*T YOURSELF!” My mind knew that could only mean one thing. They made a mistake and it’s only twins, RIGHT?! She texts again “THEY FOUND ANOTHER ONE! IT’S QUADRUPLETS!” 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 * * * #dad #father #husband #quadruplets #largefamily #kids #babies #surprisepregnancy #pregnancy #multiples #twins #triplets #fyp
Duration: 7 sPosted : Sun, 29 Oct 2023 00:06:24Views