WILL & JADA = ANNIE & MAU // In this episode of Same Same But Different with Will & Jada Smith and Annie & Mau, we observe the covert tactics narcissistic abusers use to regain control of their relationships by demanding sympathy via demonizing their partners’ good-will efforts. When you stop paying attention to people and start paying attention to patterns, you will see that Jada & Mau (and their fellow narcissists) are eerily similar in how they dance between their utilization of both overt and covert tactics of devaluation of their codependent partners. #codependent #narcissisticrelationship #narcissisticbehavior #covertnarcissist #healingcodependency #willsmith #jadapinkettsmith #twoclipsthatgiveoffthesameenergy #willandjadaentangelment #couplestherapy #annieandmau