I was in the b1nge - restrict cycle for a long long time. I get it, it feels like it will never end. Like you have control one day and absolutely no control the next. 🍩🍪🍝🥪When you start eating a food you deemed to be “off limits” you think… “I may as well eat loads of this, I’ve already ruined everything” and before you know it, you physically can’t stop. ❤️🩹But I promise you that cycle can be broken and I hope that my page show you that it IS possible for you too. The first 3 steps I made in overcoming the cycle (this took some time, there is no rush. You will get there: 1. 👋🏼 I deleted all calorie counting apps. For me, counting calories was too obsessive and restrictive, therefore keeping me in the cycle (see my previous posts on how to stop counting calories) 2. 📖 Educated myself on WHY we need ALL food groups. and why no foods are good or bad. There is a reason why everyone says to “ditch the “good and bad labels” - turns out they’re telling the truth! 3. 💭 Challenging my thoughts. When my mind started to bully my body. I reminded myself that (1) I am so much more than what I look like (2) health is not just about a number on a scale, and (3) I am NOT defined by one meal or one missed workout. Of course, there other steps that are helpful and everyone’s journey is unique too but these steps definitely helped me a lot in the beginning 🩷 Lots of love, Em xxxx . . . . . . . . #foodfreedom #comparisontrap #balanceddiet #bodyImage #Mindsetshift #selflove #reality #selfcompasion #youareenough #youvegotthis #selfacceptance #statistics #weightloss #bodypositivity #generations #healthyrelationshipwithfood #HealthyMindset #nutritionist #motherdaughter #motherhood #ourfuture #januarydump #happiness #bodyneutrality #comparisontrap #positivity #happymind #binge #visciouscycle #BreakTheCycle