Days like today make me think time travel is possible. Close your eyes for a second. Think about your best day as a kid. On summer break, the warm sun on your face, the smell of fresh cut grass lingering in the air. I’ve been obsessed with motors on wheels since before I could walk. I spent my entire childhood (unsuccessfully) trying to build a go-kart. My favorite days were when my dad would put me on his lap and let me steer through the back roads in Montana. I don’t know about you, but nostalgia is a pretty powerful thing for me. I have spent much of my adult life chasing the feeling of those hot summer days, barefoot, tan and carefree, singularly obsessed on creating one thing and one thing only: fun. Some people think of mowing the lawn as a chore. And for those people, it is. For me? It’s freedom. Not because I have nothing better to do, because, every time I turn the key in my mower, I think about what it was like trying to push my rusty old mower up the hill behind my neighbor’s house, putting everything my tiny frame had into that $5 bill I’d be handed at the end of it. I drop the mower deck and put it in drive and all of a sudden, I’m a carefree kid, the hot sun on my back, the smell of fresh cut grass rising to my nostrils. I think about how I, a kid who grew up in rental housing and had never even had a family dog or cat, announced to my family at 5 years old that someday I’d be a farmer. I remember seeing a riding mower for the first time and imagining what it would be like to get to DRIVE AND MOW AT THE SAME TIME. I can’t believe my hard work, patience, and a few strokes of luck landed me here, on the farm I dreamed about as a kid, and how I *get* to mow this grass. And that’s pretty dang cool. And mowing the grass with this super slick machine? Even cooler. The first time I saw this mower, with it’s steering wheel design, my first thought was actually how cool I would have thought it was as a kid, and, how I probably could have even driven it back then, because the way it works is so intuitive. #ad #CubCadetPartner @Cub Cadet