Going live tomorrow at 230pm central with BP and 4pm central with custom pens (that's if my order of pens arrive). Stay posted for update tomorrow! #familyfizzinfun #rosenowscustomcreations #fyp #followformore #bp #custompens #stacks
Going live today at 230pm central with BP, after that with custom pens (around 4pm central). #followformore #fyp #surprisejewelryreveals #bp #rosenowscustomcreations #familyfizzinfun #custompens #smallbusiness
Not going to be live today due to some amazing surprise visitors so we are visiting! I will be live tomorrow with both BP and pens! #fyp #followformore #rosenowscustomcreations #familyfizzinfun #custompens #surprisejewelryreveals