📌Save this post - I started my airbnb business in 2020 and have grown my biz to almost 75k per month in revenue 🚀 Here is what you NEED to know ⤵️ 1 - The Airbnb business takes ACTIVE work before you get the passive income. This isn’t a get rich quick scheme - the hardest part of the business is market research and that takes work. But once you secure a profitable area and list your property on airbnb, the game becomes super passive ♻️ 2 - Rejection isn’t the end of the world. When trying to convince the landlord to airbnb their property, keep the mindset of “each no brings me closer to a yes”. Don’t get discouraged because you got 5 or 6 rejections from potential properties. There are tons of properties that want and NEED you to rent their properties. (My strategic cold call and email scripts helped me land properties much easier). 3 - Quality OVER Quantity. It’s better to have 3 rental properties that each generate $2000 per month than 10 properties that each generate $600 per month. The income is the same but in the second case you’re doing triple the work ❌. Don’t say yes to every property that wants you. Be strategic 4 - Like anything else, the best way to win in airbnb is by playing the long game. This isn’t a get rich quick scheme, airbnb is a tried and true business - keep stacking quality properties and watch your income go from hundreds per month to thousands per month 💰 Rushing is how you end up with bad properties and a bad reputation. If you’re interested in learning how to make $10k per month or more with airbnb arbitrage ⤵️ 🔗: https://www.bnbincubator.com/accelerator #entrepreneurship #makemoneyonline #airbnbcoach #arbitrage #airbnb #airbnbbusiness #makemoney #onlineincome #moneytok #makemoneyfromhome #quit9to5 #onlinemoney #onlinemoney #rentalarbitrage #airbnbarbitrage