What is blood sugar (glucose) monitoring? Blood sugar levels give you information about how well your diabetes is under control. They also tell you how well your plan of diet, exercise, and medicine is working. Keeping your blood sugar levels near normal may reduce or prevent your risk for problems (complications). Shop your Medical Device online by clicking the links below:🪫💉📈🗓️⏬⏬⏬♥️ Tiktok: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNVn7BeP/ #DiabetesManagement #DiabetesSupport #Type1Diabetes #Type2Diabetes #HealthyLiving #DiabeticLife #BloodGlucoseTesting #SelfCare #glucose #DiabetesAwareness #InsulinDependent #ContinuousGlucoseMonitorinng #DiabetesSupplies #DiabeticDiet #glucosemonitor #BloodSugarControl #DiabetesCommunity #bloodglucosemonitor #lanceteverywhere #onlineshopping #lowbloodglucose #SugarLevels #diabetestechnology #bloodglucosecontrol #Glucometer #teststrips #lancets