The Worst Plantar Fasciitis Video of All Time Seriously haha he didn’t get one thing right… But I’m not surprised… Of all the pain & injury problems I help people with, the educational content I see on social media for plantar heel pain might be the lowest quality of all. It’s mostly just 10 second videos promising to instantly fix plantar fasciitis by doing a stretch/rubbing technique that they claim will fix a cause that isn’t an actual cause (foot shape, tight/weak muscle, adhesion/knot/trigger point etc.)… In other words, lots of stepping on water bottles, “shaking hands” with your foot… and how ‘bout that guy who was just lightly punching his foot?? Hahaha all while claiming “instant fix” too… man, f*ck these people. Rubbing is fine. If it feels good, do it. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t really matter… It doesn’t “fix” anything anyway, it’s just a short term symptom modifier. BUT, if that’s the only thing you’re doing for self-management… I’d say you’re missing a lot of much more valuable pieces… And the entirety of the evidence-based treatment guidelines. In Part 2 I’ll do the unthinkable… give the world a plantar heel pain video that isn’t completely useless. Stay tuned. #plantarfascitiis #plantarfascia #plantarheelpain #footpain #runninginjury