The fastest way to a pay increase is to get the same job at a different company. The slowest way is to be loyal. The most *strategic* way is to learn new skills before the job hop, that way you can take advantage of the salary increase that comes just from job hopping, AND the salary increase that comes from having in-demand skills, meaning you'll get a *much bigger* increase! You can learn anything online for free, the hard part is to decide to do it! What is job hopping? Job hopping just means applying for a new job even when you're already employed so that you can take advantage of inflation and increased salary offers. Usually, job hopping refers to getting the same (or very similar) job, just at a different company, so you can get a ~$10k to $20k+ salary increase. How to job hop: Job hopping is as simple as applying for the same job you already have but at different companies. Many companies dont give ANY raise every year, and the ones that do average around a 2% raise. So if you're making $50k, your 2% raise would bring you to $51k. By job hopping, you'd easily be able to get to $60k (which would take you 10 YEARS if you stayed at the same company and got a 2% raise every year!). Work is an exchange of your time for money, NOTHING MORE. Don't give your life away to a company that will lay you off the second they need to make cuts. Work is a business transaction, it's NOT personal. #jobhop#jobhopping#careeradvice#career#boomers#genx#genz#millennial#workculture#payincrease#quityourjob#getaraiseoriginal sound
Duration: 17 sPosted : Thu, 22 Jun 2023 16:22:02Views