Thoracic mobility FTW🫡👏👏 Tell me — do YOU🫵 get pain right there? And if you do, what have you done that’s helped relieve it?⬇️⬇️ If you have been following me for awhile and you HAVN’T done any thoracic mobility exercises yet, what in the world are you waiting for!📢 It’s not your fault, it’s mine, but get to it today! This the easiest way to improve or prevent: neck pain, shoulder pain, scapular pain, low back pain, hip pain, glute pain, SIJ pain, sciatica, and the list goes on. Why? Because we are living this forward oriented life and are creating stiffness in the upper back where it shouldn’t be. So get moving! #thoracicmobilty #upperbackpain #scapularmobility #backpain