I assist Hudson in his preschool class. Hudson has Down syndrome and is fortunate enough to attend a private school and be fully included. He does need a little extra support, so that’s where I come in. I absolutely love being able to go with him! He recently caught on to the fact that the other kids had to wait for their parents to pick them up in a car line, and didn’t just walk straight to their cars like we do. (There is another video on here that explains how he figured this out and how he let me know he wanted to be a part of the pick up routine.) So now he waits with his class and I sneak away for a few seconds and come “pick him up” - On this day, I pulled up in the car for the first time instead of just walking back up the side walk. 🥹 I love our new routine so much! Even though I’m with him all day, I still get that “I’ve missed you so much” greating after school. And he gets to, once again, feel just like all the other kids. Hudson, I’m so lucky I get to love you! #inclusionmatters #schoollife #youwillsmile #heartwarming #igettoloveyou #downsyndrome #downsyndromeawareness #theschoolpickupline #carline #carlinepickup #hudthestud