When Melman was brought into the shelter he was only 8 months old, and he already suffered through so much. At only a few months old someone stomped on his head, causing him to obtain a skull fracture that would affect him for the rest of his life. Due to Melman's condition, he had to be placed into a foster home, so I took him in. As soon as I brought him home, I knew he was going to be a foster fail. He quickly bonded with Violet, and his spunky personality began to show. I signed the paperwork for his adoption on 8/12/21 and little did I know what craziness I had ahead of me. The Vet recommended we get him a helmet to protect his brain so I sent in Melman's story to Bionic Pets. They got back with me and offered to make Melman a helmet, free of charge. On 12/17/21 we made the trip down to Virginia to get him casted for his helmet. Just a few weeks later on 1/14/22 the worst thing imaginable happened, Melman hit his head while playing and collapsed. He was completely stiff for a few minutes and the only thing he could move were his eyes. It was the scariest moment of my life, but lucky he recovered and didn't obtain any neurological damage. It wasn't until 1/28/22 that we made the trip back to Virginia and picked up his helmet. While Melman's disability can be life threatening, it hasn't stopped him from living his life to the fullest! Even though his reactiveness and obnoxious personality can be difficult to handle at times, I wouldn't trade you for the world! #endanimalcrulety #stopanimalabbuse #melman #dog #shelterdog #dogs #doglover #petsoftiktok #rescuedog #rescue #chihuahua #chihuahuastiktok #melmanthechihuhaua #chihuahuas #stopanimalcruilty