This school year will be hard, people don’t talk about how hard the “nevers” are. The milestones your child will never have because they are gone. Luna should be starting TK today. Luna should have gone back to school shopping for the first time, share the joy with her siblings of picking her backpack with her favorite characters… she should be having this milestone. She should be getting up today with her siblings and walk holding hands with them into the school. Something we talked about and she wanted to be able to do so bad. She loves doing “homework” at home. She would call me “teacher mom” 🥹. Every drop off she would beg me to be able to go to school and I would say “soon mamas soon, it’s your turn next year” not knowing that shortly after she’s receive the devastating diagnosis … Brain cancer robbed Luna of many firsts, she will never go to school, she will never make friends. Brain cancer robbed her siblings from having their little sister go to school with them. They are grieving those firsts too. All my heart can do is ensure they have the support at the school that they’ll need to get through these first few months. Today I will only Load 2 of my children in the car instead of 3, and I will come home to an empty quiet house, alone…with my grief. . . #LunaZoeStrong #LunasEberglow #pediatricbraincancer #childhoodcancer #childloss #grief #backtoschool #siblingloss #gonetosoon #cancersucks #terminalcancer #imissyou #grieftalks