Before you travel to any country, it is important to clear your phone or even leave it at home. You also have to read to rules and regularions for immigrants entering that country. It is improtant to watch what others are doing and wsk questions before doing anything you are not sure of. Many immigrants have gone to jail in canada, usa, united kingdom uk, ireland, australia and so on. Dont be the next victim. #Nigeria #Ghana #Kenya #SouthAfrica #Uganda #Zimbabwe #Botswana #Malawi #Zambia #Namibia #Lesotho #Swaziland #SierraLeone #Liberia #Gambia #Grenada #Cameroon #Rwanda #Burundi #Tanzania #Seychelles #SouthSudan #Sudan #Ethiopia #Eritrea #Somalia canada immigration, ielts, toefl, us immigration #Immigration #Visa #MigrantRights #AsylumSeekers #BorderControl #Refugees #GlobalMobility #MigrationPolicy #ImmigrantIntegration #VisaProcess