If you train your abs by bending forward a lot, you may also want to spend some time bending back! In fact, as much as I enjoy leg raises for abs and overall midsection work, tight hip flexors may be partially why some people experience some discomfort with the movement. Unfortunately, leg raises sometimes only exacerbate the issue. This is one of the reasons why our fitness routine has both leg raises and bridges. Like Yin and Yang... light and dark... Netflix and Hulu(?) (I'm just kidding - it's not anywhere near that serious) However, I know some people don't find bridges that interesting. I didn't realize people would think of bridges as the "chicken and broccoli" of exercises. That's okay though! You can work things like camel pose, upward facing dog, etc. However, if you want to incorporate an exercise you might already be doing, you can spend some time in the bottom part of the deep lunges (or split squats). Or don't. Some people only do forward bends and never have issues. If that's you, don't let this post stress you out. This is just something you can play with for the sake of balance! Balance can be good. Fitness routine (and a new app!) are in my bio or through search, depending on where you see it. They're both free. Have a wonderful day! #hybridcalisthenics #homeworkout #abs #coretraining #situps