Are you constantly leaning over and having to touch the ground when you ask your dog for a down?? Have you ever tried waiting it out and allowing your dog to think and figure it out? Most people get stuck in the loop of needing to provide dramatic body movements and prompts in order to get their dog to down. Most people also don’t give their dog enough time to figure it out, or show that they’ve figured it out. Try this to break from that loop and see if your dog gets it: - Using some food to motivate your dog, stand up straight and say DOWN - Then, one second after, lean over and touch the ground. - When your dog lays down, reward them immediately, then say free and encourage them to get up. Repeat - Do that 20 TIMES IN A ROW (Down - lean over - reward - free - repeat) On the 21st repetition, stand up straight, say down and WAIT. Give your dog at least 10 seconds before repeating the word. As soon as they lay down, reward them with a handful of food (jackpot) If they don’t figure it out, do 5 more assisted reps (with you leaning over)and then on the 6th rep, wait it out again. Repeat that until your dog lays down with you needing to lean over. #dogtraining101 #dogtrainingtips #dogobedience #basicobedience #packleader