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Introduction: This is a tiktok hashtag called tartaruga.
The music has now attracted more than
32.0K videos and
1.6B views. It is a very
popular content. The following is videos that related to this music.
Tommy V. Black and white tape on brown shoe (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #viral #funny #tortoise #tommyshellby #fyp #phatonions #turtle #tortuga #tartaruga #tommytheturtle
Replying to Buen día! No estes tite! Abrazos para ti! #turtle #tortuga #toytite #tartaruga #penyu #yolypacheco #axtell #goyita #videoviral en #tiktok @axtellexpressions
Tommy V. Line of coloured shoes (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #tommyshellby #phatonions #shoes #noise #funny #black #white #brown #pet #animal #reptile
Tommy makes love to purple boot (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #noise #funny #tommyshellby #phatonions #purple #boot #shoes #reptile #animals #pet
Tommy’s Love/Hate of shoes compilation (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #tommyshellby #phatonions #black #white #shoe #tape #funny #aninals #animal #pet #noise #reptile
Replying to @colobenitez3 Goyita! No quiere saludar! Show bilingüe / Tickle time for #goyita #cosquillas #tortuguita #turtle #penyu #tartaruga #funnylaugh #risa #famshow #yolypacheco #ventriloquia
Tommy’s love of white shoes? (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #funny #shoe #shoes #noise #tommyshellby #phatonions #black #white #pet #animal #reptile #shell
Vi presentiamo BOLLA🐢🫧La nostra tartaruga d’acqua!E questa è la sua BEAUTY ROUTINE, ovcero come ci prendiamo cura di lei!🥰🥹🐢🚿 #turtle #tartaruga #beautyroutine #pet #pets
Vi portiamo con noi in un’incredibile salvataggio di un esemplare di tartaruga “Caretta Caretta”🐢💚 Zoomarine ha a cuore e come primo obiettivo quello di salvare e prendersi cura delle tartarughe marine in difficoltà🥰 La nostra piccola amica è arrivata ieri nel nostro Centro di Primo Soccorso grazie alla rete Tartalazio. Vi terremo aggiornati❤️ “TUTTI NOI DOBBIAMO DARE IL NOSTRO CONTRIBUTO ALLA CONSERVAZIONE DELLE TARTARUGHE”🌎 #zoomarineroma #parcodivertimenti #parcoacquatico #tartaruga #carettacaretta #tartarugamarina #cuore #amore #cura #primosoccorso #veterinari #salvataggio #neiperte #love #care #health #rescue #nature #marine #sea #foryou #marineturtle #trending
oggi ho affrontato una mia grande paura: quella del mare aperto 🐠 sono andata a fare snorkeling per la prima volta e sono felicissimaaaa ✨🥽🐬🫧 #maldive #maldives #snorkeling #tartaruga #viaggio #trip #ocean #indianocean
Debandê, decupuá… o que podemos aprender com as tartarugas? 👀 Veja agora no Barra News…👀🐢😂 #barranews #fyp #flaviobarra #humorbrasileiro #comedia #zueira #noticiasengracadas #piada #humornotiktok #curiosodades #tiktokbrasil #humorbr #biologia #biologo #tartaruga
Tommy V. Different colours compilation part 2 (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #funny #shoes #black #white #brown #reptile #pet #animals
Tommy moaning compilation (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #noise #funny #pet #animals
Dê um canudo a uma tartaruga e faça a diferença. Levando o Caos, completo na Netflix. #mauriciomeirelles #humor #standup #standupcomedy #comedia #humorbr #tartaruga #comediabr
A posição “meia água” é destaque no Barra News…👀🌊😂 #barranews #fyp #noticia #biologia #tartaruga #mar #agua #curiosidades #casal #namoro #flaviobarra #humor #humorbrasil #zueira #piada #comedia
Tommy V. Black and white tape on brown shoe (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #viral #funny #tortoise #tommyshellby #fyp #phatonions #turtle #tortuga #tartaruga #tommytheturtle
Replying to Buen día! No estes tite! Abrazos para ti! #turtle #tortuga #toytite #tartaruga #penyu #yolypacheco #axtell #goyita #videoviral en #tiktok @axtellexpressions
Tommy V. Line of coloured shoes (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #tommyshellby #phatonions #shoes #noise #funny #black #white #brown #pet #animal #reptile
Tommy makes love to purple boot (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #noise #funny #tommyshellby #phatonions #purple #boot #shoes #reptile #animals #pet
Tommy’s Love/Hate of shoes compilation (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #tommyshellby #phatonions #black #white #shoe #tape #funny #aninals #animal #pet #noise #reptile
Replying to @colobenitez3 Goyita! No quiere saludar! Show bilingüe / Tickle time for #goyita #cosquillas #tortuguita #turtle #penyu #tartaruga #funnylaugh #risa #famshow #yolypacheco #ventriloquia
Tommy’s love of white shoes? (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #funny #shoe #shoes #noise #tommyshellby #phatonions #black #white #pet #animal #reptile #shell
Vi presentiamo BOLLA🐢🫧La nostra tartaruga d’acqua!E questa è la sua BEAUTY ROUTINE, ovcero come ci prendiamo cura di lei!🥰🥹🐢🚿 #turtle #tartaruga #beautyroutine #pet #pets
Vi portiamo con noi in un’incredibile salvataggio di un esemplare di tartaruga “Caretta Caretta”🐢💚 Zoomarine ha a cuore e come primo obiettivo quello di salvare e prendersi cura delle tartarughe marine in difficoltà🥰 La nostra piccola amica è arrivata ieri nel nostro Centro di Primo Soccorso grazie alla rete Tartalazio. Vi terremo aggiornati❤️ “TUTTI NOI DOBBIAMO DARE IL NOSTRO CONTRIBUTO ALLA CONSERVAZIONE DELLE TARTARUGHE”🌎 #zoomarineroma #parcodivertimenti #parcoacquatico #tartaruga #carettacaretta #tartarugamarina #cuore #amore #cura #primosoccorso #veterinari #salvataggio #neiperte #love #care #health #rescue #nature #marine #sea #foryou #marineturtle #trending
oggi ho affrontato una mia grande paura: quella del mare aperto 🐠 sono andata a fare snorkeling per la prima volta e sono felicissimaaaa ✨🥽🐬🫧 #maldive #maldives #snorkeling #tartaruga #viaggio #trip #ocean #indianocean
Debandê, decupuá… o que podemos aprender com as tartarugas? 👀 Veja agora no Barra News…👀🐢😂 #barranews #fyp #flaviobarra #humorbrasileiro #comedia #zueira #noticiasengracadas #piada #humornotiktok #curiosodades #tiktokbrasil #humorbr #biologia #biologo #tartaruga
Tommy V. Different colours compilation part 2 (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #funny #shoes #black #white #brown #reptile #pet #animals
Tommy moaning compilation (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #noise #funny #pet #animals
Dê um canudo a uma tartaruga e faça a diferença. Levando o Caos, completo na Netflix. #mauriciomeirelles #humor #standup #standupcomedy #comedia #humorbr #tartaruga #comediabr
A posição “meia água” é destaque no Barra News…👀🌊😂 #barranews #fyp #noticia #biologia #tartaruga #mar #agua #curiosidades #casal #namoro #flaviobarra #humor #humorbrasil #zueira #piada #comedia
Tommy V. Black shoe hiding within white taped shoes (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #tommyshellby #phatonions #tommytheturtle #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #funny #shoe #shoes #black #white #vs #🐢 #tape #amongus #meme #memestiktok
Tommy V. Black and white compilation part 2 (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #funny #tommyshellby #phatonions #black #white #shoe #animal #reptile #shell #pets #pet #petsoftiktok
Eu fui olhar a nossa tartaruga que está hibernando a 3 meses e o que eu vi me deixou com muito medo. #igorluizgomes #lagos #lagoornamental #curiosidades #peixes #aquarismo #aprendanotiktok #tartaruga
Replying to @LR✨ Y al chismoso, Como le vamos a decir? FUERA! #chismoso #goyita #tortuguita #chisme #problema #familiar #gossip #turtle #penyu #tartaruga #amistad #relacion #destruir #lengua #division #yolypacheco
Tommy V. Me compilation (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #phatonions #funny #animal #reptile #shell #pet #black #white #shoe #petsoftiktok #pets
Buenos días! Que pasen lindo dia! Good morning! May you have an amazing day! #goyita #turtle #penyu #tartaruga #tortuguita #emociones #toytite #noteinteresa #yolypacheco #axtell
Tommy V. Black boot with white sock (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #tommyshellby #phatonions #boot #black #white #sock #shoes #animal #funny #reptile #shell #pet
Tommy makes love to different coloured shoes (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #tommyshellby #phatonions #funny #animal #shoe #black #white #brown #noise #pet #reptile
Who’s that at the door? (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tommyshellby #phatonions #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #funny #pet #animals #shoes #black #white #shell #reptile #door
Tommy V. Tape compilation part 4 (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #funny #animal #pet #reptile #tape #black #white #shoe
Tommy V. White, grey and black wellies (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #tommyshellby #funny #phatonions #shoes #black #white #grey #gray #wellies #animal #pet #reptile
Tommy the escape artist (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in this video) #turtle #tortoise #tommyshellby #phatonions #black #white #shoes #funny #tape #fence #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #pet #animals #reptile #shell
Tommy V. Black morph suit (Part 2) (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #tommytheturtle #tortuga #headbuttingturtle #tommyshellby #phatonions #funny #turtle #fyp #tartaruga #tortoise #tortue #viral
Tommy V. Heysong Aqua Bluetooth Speaker (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #viral #funny #fyp #tommyshellby #tortoise #turtle #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #phatonions #heysong #heysongspeaker
Tommy V. Hidden black & white shoes (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #funny #tommyshellby #phatonions #sneakers #shoes #black #white #shell #reptile #animal #pet
Tommy V. Runaway black croc (Disclaimer: Tommy was not hurt in the making of this) #turtle #tortoise #tortuga #tartaruga #tortue #tommyshellby #phatonions #black #shoes #croc #white #boot #funny #animal #pet #reptile #shell