Have you tried Dancer’s pose? Can you do it? It was one of my favorite poses for a long time. I built confidence, strength, and trust in myself in this posture. The equal kick into the foot overhead as you reach reach reach forward is the perfect counter balance to start upright. Struggling to stay balanced here? Use my pinned videos to built mental strength, endurance, and mobility to reach natarajasana. #yogawithmax #yogadao #yogatok #yoga #yogagirl #posture #dancerspose #dancerpose #yogainstructor #yogainspiration #yogateacher #howtogrow #growtaller #growtall #growtallernow #growth #growthtips #howtallareyou #howtalldoilook #howtallami #howtallyou #tallgirls #tallguys #shortpeopleproblems #tallpeopleproblems #tallpeople #puberty #posture #posturecorrection #posturetips #posturecheck #shortpeople #insecure #confidence #sanfrancisco #buildingconfidence #transformation #yogapose #yogalover #yogi #balanceunlimited #balance #balancepractice #tall #taller #talltok #heightproblems #heightdifference #healthy #happy #heightincrease #heightgrowth #heightcomparison