In this episode of Ask A Nurse - Scarlet Fever: Symptoms & Treatment, Registered Nurse Cathy Parkes BSN, RN, CWCN, PHN answers your questions about scarlet fever such as “What is scarlet fever?”, “How do you get scarlet fever?”, “What are the symptoms of scarlet fever?”, “How is scarlet fever diagnosed?”, “How is scarlet fever treated?”, and “How can I prevent getting or spreading scarlet fever?” In this episode of Ask A Nurse - Scarlet Fever: Symptoms & Treatment, Registered Nurse Cathy Parkes BSN, RN, CWCN, PHN answers your questions about scarlet fever such as “What is scarlet fever?”, “How do you get scarlet fever?”, “What are the symptoms of scarlet fever?”, “How is scarlet fever diagnosed?”, “How is scarlet fever treated?”, and “How can I prevent getting or spreading scarlet fever?” Level Up RN’s Ask a Nurse video series was designed to help individuals around the world better understand common medical conditions, tests, and treatments from our team of registered nurses. Our goal is to provide helpful, easy-to-understand healthcare information to help viewers improve their health-related knowledge. This helps individuals advocate for themselves or their family members to obtain the best possible care from their healthcare providers! 🌟 We want to hear from YOU! Click to submit your topic request, or just add your request in the comments! 🌟 This series can also be a resource for nurses, nursing students, or other medical professionals to provide informative and easy-to-understand healthcare teaching for their patients. Together we can: Learn. Lead. Level Up. All information presented in this series is provided by board registered nurses and is backed up by peer-reviewed evidence and evidence-based practice. However, it is important to note that the content of these videos is for educational purposes only, and not intended to serve as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any question you may have regarding a medical condition #AskANurse #scarletFever #AAN #nclex #nurseeducator #nursingstudent #nursingschool #menshealth #womenshealth #ati #hesi #nurse #murse #health