You are in my hands, yet not in my fate. A paradox of existence, a bittersweet state. I hold you close, like a fragile bird, fearing the moment it will fly unheard. Your presence fills my hands, tender and precious. With every touch, I feel your warmth coursing through my veins. I cherish the moments we share, the laughter and tears intertwined. We made bunch of memories together. The world seemed beautiful when you were near and every moment was precious gift. But fate, cruel and unyielding, had different plans for us. It swept us apart, tearing our souls asunder. Though our paths may part, know that your essence will forever reside in the depths of my heart. You will remain forever in my memories. Destiny's whim, a cruel twist of chance, separates our souls, in a cosmic dance. For in my hands, you find solace and care, but in my fate, we're destined to bear. 💔 #aestheticvroo #foryou #saajna #falakshabir #tuhathometohaimere