⭐️My progress on Glam Foxy so far🦊 •Once received back from uni, I'm hoping to make his eye light up, maybe add an extra button for blinking, fix the balance of the mask when wearing it, add padding on the inside and figure out a battery pack issue. After my university event, I'll hopefully start working on the body along with the raptor prototype & some other unfinished projects :) •For now I'll keep posting some more make up cosplays & remaining foxy test vids! • • • #fnafsecuritybreach #fnafsb #fnaf #workinprogress #zbrush #zbrushsculpt #zbrushmodeling #fivenightsatfreddyssecuritybreaah #wip #glamrockfoxy #fnaffoxy #securitybreach #glamrockfoxyfnaf #glamrockfoxycosplay #animatronic #modelmaking #cosplayer #glamrocks #glamrocksfnaf #aub #aubstudent #artsuniversitybournemouth #animatronicmask