NEW AU‼️ based on “The Promised Neverland! The AU is titled "Ending Cycle," and it revolves around a group of children named Julie, Frank, Sally, Eddie, Howdy, Poppy, and Barnaby, who attend a daycare. Wally, the main character and showman, assumes the role of the daycare attendant, taking care of the kids and teaching them various lessons. However, a plot twist occurs when Barnaby and Sally visit Julie, who is unwell. Upon entering the house where Wally resides and "nurses" the children, Sally is the first to discover Julie's lifeless body. In her shock, she inadvertently drops the potted plant she was holding. It is revealed that Wally's home serves a dual purpose – not only does he fix any children who deviate from the script and rebuild their bodies, but Home also consumes the previous models to create newer versions of the childeren. [ #welcomehome #welcomehomearg #welcomehomeau #wallydarling #welcomehomepuppetshow #welcomehomewally #welcomehomewallydarling #welcomehomejulie #welcomehomejuliejoyful #welcomehomebarnaby #welcomehomebarnabybeagle #welcomehomesally #welcomehomesallystarlight #welcomehomehowdy #welcomehomehowdypillar #welcomehomefrank #welcomehomefrankfrankly #CapCut #promisedneverland #thepromisedneverland #animatic #au #fyp #fypp #fypシ #fanart ]