You all said you wanted more quick vlogs & a look into our more personal daily lives, so here you go!🫶🏼 If you’ve been watching our channel & you live in the Metro Vancouver area, check out our league @RCFHA and maybe consider signing up! It’s for all ages, great exercise, & so much fun, & it would be great to meet you! 🥰 #vlog #interfaith #interfaithcouple #hockeycouple❤️ #intercultural #interracial #mehndi #chappal #president #vicepresident #adayinmylife #adayinthelife #rcfha #hockey #hockeyleague #nonprofit #vancouver #vancouverbc #vancouverbctiktok #vancouverbccanada #richmondbc #richmondbccanada #sports #schoolage #youth #youthsports #youthhockey #adulthockey #floorhockey #cosom #cosomhockey #kids #hockeyleague