@vibe.indonesia presents Ivan Gunawan Spring Summer Paris Front Row 2024. "MAHARANI" my upcoming Majapahit Architectural-inspired Fashion Collection Elegance meets History as we celebrate the grandeur of the Kingdom of Majapahit in every stitch, reflecting the majestic spires, intricate carvings, and regal motifs that once adorned the ancient temples. Step into the past, adorned in modern sophistication, and let the echoes of a bygone era grace your every move. Be prepare for Embarking on a Timeless Journey of my collection. #gayaditiktokpinkvenomlook #MajesticMajapahit #FashionInspiredByHistory #MAHARANI #FrontRow #MAHARANIforParisFrontRow #VIBE #VIBEINDONESIA #vibexivangunawan